BaltiSpore’s Mission, Origin & Core Values

Our Mission:

At BaltiSpore, we’re on a mission to unveil the profound potential of mushrooms as both nutritional powerhouses and medicinal allies. Inspired by the unique journeys and passions of our founders, we champion inclusivity in agriculture, ensuring the myriad benefits of mushrooms reach everyone. Through eco-conscious cultivation and community collaboration, we’re shaping the future of the mushroom industry, dispersing knowledge and wellness, spore by spore.


The Roots of BaltiSpore: A Tale of Passion, Healing, and Inclusion

In the world of agriculture and mushroom cultivation, finding one’s place can be a challenging journey. But sometimes, the most extraordinary stories emerge from the determination to make a difference.

Harriet’s vision for BaltiSpore began as a dream to represent the underrepresented. As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community with a strong foundation in agriculture and greenhouse growing, they noticed the lack of representation and inclusivity within the industry. Instead of trying to fit into an existing mold, Harriet decided to create their own path. The power of mushrooms, with their immense potential and medicinal benefits, became their medium of choice.

When it was time to turn their vision into reality, Harriet approached Michael, a person whose life was profoundly touched by the healing power of mushrooms. A cancer survivor, Michael found solace and strength in the therapeutic wonders of fungi during the toughest times of his life. His belief in mushrooms went beyond just their culinary and medicinal properties — they became a symbol of hope, resilience, and life for him. Given his personal experiences, joining Harriet in their mission felt like destiny.

However, dreams require more than just vision and passion; they need structure and guidance. That’s where Chris stepped in. Leaving behind the rigid confines of corporate America, Chris had discovered the incredible benefits of mushrooms on his personal journey of transformation. Harriet and Michael’s cause resonated with him deeply, and he brought his skills in business and employee management to the table, shaping BaltiSpore from an idea into a tangible reality.

The union of these three unique journeys gave birth to BaltiSpore — not just a business, but a movement. We’re not just about growing and selling mushrooms. We’re about championing diversity, spreading knowledge, and ensuring that the transformative powers of mushrooms are accessible to everyone.

As we reflect on our origins, our gratitude towards the BaltiSpore community is immense. Your unwavering support has been instrumental in our growth, allowing us to innovate and serve you better. Together, we’re scripting a tale of unity, empowerment, and love for the natural world.


BaltiCORE Values

1. Innovation and Quality: Committed to pioneering in mushroom cultivation and product development, ensuring top-quality, potent, and pure products.

2. Sustainability and Responsibility: Dedicated to environmentally friendly practices in cultivation and business operations, promoting ecological balance.

3. Education and Awareness: Focused on spreading knowledge about the benefits of mushrooms, both for personal health and environmental well-being.

4. Inclusivity and Community: Embracing diversity in the agricultural space, fostering a community where everyone feels welcomed and represented.

5. Integrity and Transparency: Conducting business with honesty and openness, building trust with customers, partners, and the community.

6. Wellness and Healing: Believing in the power of mushrooms to contribute to holistic health and wellness.